
Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Scene Two - Part 1

This scene takes the Oldman character into the woods where he needs to collect wood for the fire. The feel of the scene will look allot like the first scene. I started by using the hills and house from scene one and putting them in the back ground, from here I started to duplicate and re-size the hills to form a landscape. The problem I was having was that I wanted there the be a perspective look to the landscape, so there were larger hills closer to the camera and smaller ones further away. So I scraped my first attempt and then added two bigger hills either side of the scene.

I also had issues with what view in Max to film my sequence in. The perspective view made the house in the background look to far away but the user view looked closer and better. Another issue was that I didn't want the foreground to look to flat so I made two parts of the scene. Background, and a foreground that slopped towards the camera a bit. I also added some 3ds trees to the right of the scene with a bigger enough gap for the Old man to walk through.

I finally stuck with this layout. The house is in the distance but clear the big hills give the scene perspective, the two parts look like they join seamlessly.

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