Thursday, 29 April 2010
Scene Four - Finish

Monday, 26 April 2010
Scene Four - Part 3
Once I had finished the syncing for the first sentence I realised that his mouth looked more happy than sad. Once I had rendered the animation it didn't notice so much because the mouth changed quite quickly so I left it in.
Scene Four - Part 2

My original idea was to have Death rising from the ground behind the Old man but I thought it would be quite nice if he appeared suddenly when the lightning struck. One second he wasn't there the next he was kind of thing. But this was proving hard to to because the scene had to be virtually pitch black for this to work. This wasn't viable because I wanted the Old man's face to be clear because he was going to talk. So after a few experiments I decided to revert back to my original idea.
The four lights included were: An Omni light for the lamp which made the characters show up better. A Target Directional light which made the Old mans face brighter so that you could see the lip syncing better. A Omni light in the sky that acted as the moon light to brighter the scene up slightly and an Omni light also in the sky which comes on and off very brightly when the thunder sound is heard.

Scene Four - Part 1

I had a bit of an issue with Deaths hood, for some reason the hood was see through!! Hopefully when the the light effects are added this wont show up.
Scene Three

After syncing his mouth I animated the Old mans head slowly shaking from side to side, like he was sad and fed up, I then had him bow his head which matched the start scene 4, where I was going to have him start the scene with his head bowed.

I originally wanted to animate the Old mans eyes and eyebrows but when I tried to do this the objects were not animating! They kept on ignoring the new position I was putting them into which became very frustrating so I left it. If I find out a reason for this problem I might go back and change it. But overall the scene achieves what I wanted, the sense of unhappiness and despair from the main character.
Scene One - Finish

The final part of the scene was adding the Old mans voice. This was done by recording my own voice on a Edirol R-09HR 24bit Wave/MP3 Recorder. Once I had recorded the phrases that I wanted the Old man to say, I then added them to my original Thunder and rain sound track using Adobe Soundbooth. I also added a few footstep samples to the scene which made the scene more realistic, this gave the impression that the Old man was walking through his little house stopping to open the front door and then heading of to go collect the wood.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Scythe & Sticks

The wood was needed for when Death arrives and the Old man cheekily asks Death to help him carry them. They were made by making a cylinder and adding a Noise modifier to make the logs look uneven and knobbly. I used another wood texture of the diffuse and bump maps to create a realistic look and then I copied the logs and stacked them together so them looked like a pile.
Death - Biped
The hands and skull were attached to the biped using the skin modifier separately and then I added a skin modifier to the cloak. The main purpose was to get the arms and hands working properly because Death wasn't going to walk anywhere in my scene but he may move his arms.

Death - Hand

Death - Skull & Cloak
Death - Skull

To finish the skull I found a bone texture and used it in the diffuse and bump maps in the material editor. I also pushed the self illumination up to give the skull a ghostly glow in the dark look. Overall I think it came out quite well and should look effective in the darkly lit scene.
Death - Cloak
Scene Two - Part 2
Finally I added the Oldman with the lamp and gave him his footsteps to take him into the woods. I used the same techniques from scene one to add the lightning and moon light effects and also the rain and thunder effects, but this time I added a few more sounds that I had found from the web. I wanted the Oldman to disappear in to the woods and all you would here was him sawing and chopping away. This would give the viewer the impression of him working away in the woods without actually showing it. I did this by adding a few samples to the rain and thunder wav file using Adobe Soundproof.
Scene Two - Part 1
I also had issues with what view in Max to film my sequence in. The perspective view made the house in the background look to far away but the user view looked closer and better. Another issue was that I didn't want the foreground to look to flat so I made two parts of the scene. Background, and a foreground that slopped towards the camera a bit. I also added some 3ds trees to the right of the scene with a bigger enough gap for the Old man to walk through.
I finally stuck with this layout. The house is in the distance but clear the big hills give the scene perspective, the two parts look like they join seamlessly.